
Weekend Outlook


(Cardigan by Costa Blanca (gifted), Top by H&M, Skirt by Bedo, Tights by Gap, Shoes by Banana Republic, Necklace by Joe Fresh) 

Hi there!  Did you all have a great Valentine's Day ?  I certainly hope so!
T totally spoiled me with unexpected presents, we made an epic dinner of steak & lobster, along with a bottle of red wine & a bottle of pink sparkling champagne.  Then I made a huge chocolate chip cookie that we ate with vanilla bean Haagen Dazs.  Yum! 

Tomorrow I have to work (we have a show opening at the gallery), but I do still get a weekend with Sunday & Monday.  We don't have plans for Sunday (yay!), and Monday we are meeting with a travel agent that specializes in destination weddings (also yay!).

What about you lovelies ?  Any plans for the weekend ?  Is it a long weekend where you are?

xo jules
 Here's what I wore on this day last year:

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