


Jules in Flats - May Outfits

Jules in Flats - June Outfits

Jules in Flats - Aritzia Pleated Swing Dress
Dress by Aritzia (old, similar)
Necklace by ? (old, similar)
Pony Hair Leopard D'Orsay Flats by J.Crew Factory (old, similar)

Jules in Flats - Old Navy Patterned Jumpsuit
Jumpsuit by Old Navy (old, similar)
"Amelia" Suede Flats by J.Crew Factory (old, similar)
Necklace by Tiffany & Co.
Ring by Tiffany & Co.
Faux-Diamond Stud Earrings by Joe Fresh (similar)

Jules in Flats - Old Navy Tie-Neck Pleated Dress with Suede Booties
Pleated Tie-Neck Swing Dress by Old Navy (old colour)
Sueded Ankle Booties by Old Navy
Earrings from Hawaii (similar)

Jules in Flats - White Dynamite Blazer, Navy Striped Shirt and Navy Pixie Pants
"Mid-Rise Pixie Ankle" Pants by Old Navy (colour is Goodnight Nora)
Striped Boatneck Tee by H&M (old, similar)
White Blazer by Dynamite (a must buy for the season!)
"Amelia" Suede Flats by J.Crew Factory (old, similar)

I just can't stop wearing Navy this week!  LOL
Even on my day off I wore navy! (If you saw my InstaStory you know ;)).

Anyways, I'm back from my two-week work trip to Toronto and am still trying to catch up on all of my blog reading so tell me - how are you?  What did I miss?  On my end, Toronto was good.  Our auction went well (I work for Canada's largest Fine Art Auction House.  We're like Christies or Sotheby's in the US), and I helped organize the event this year which is why I went early - to make sure move-in and set up went smoothly.

I increased my ClassPass to 5 classes and took 4 when I was there - surprisingly, 3 were yoga and one was Studio Lagree.  Have you heard of it?  It's like intense Pilates on a machine (megaformer).  I really liked it!  My yoga studio Yyoga is on ClassPass now which is great, so I don't have to buy a separate pass!

But, I just started a 6-week diet and exercise program so I probably won't be doing much yoga or ClassPass-ing for awhile.  The program I'm doing is this one.  I heard about it through Katie at Pearls & Twirls and the May 22 start date was perfect for me (we'll be done right round Canada Day, July 1 - the official start of summer).  Normally I would not do a program that has so little actual information online, no non-blogger reviews (which seem like they might be sponsored??), and that you actually have to pay for - but the pitch that it's really good for people who have hit a plateau, that workout and eat clean and have stopped seeing results, that want to lose fat, not just weight - those claims really intrigued me and I figured I would give it a go!  The program is all about eating the right foods at the right times for the right reasons, and pairing specific workouts (HIIT, strength, sprints) with how you eat.  So yes, it's a little bit intense tracking everything you eat, but it's also eye-opening.  For example, I have used MyFitness Pal on and off for years, especially to figure out calories for recipes.  But I only ever used it for calories, not for macros.  With this program, we are aware of overall calories, but it's all about the macros.  I always thought I was a low-fat eater, but what I've become aware of is that more foods than I thought actually have quite a bit of fat in them!  Which isn't a bad thing, but I could be eating more protein to balance that out.  Anyways, the program also involves carb cycling and intermittent fasting, and the workouts so far are doable.  So hopefully it works!  I'll be sure to check in with you at the end of it and let you know my thoughts!  Hopefully I see results and can incorporate the ideas of the program into my regular lifestyle.

So, that's what's going on with me!

Shopping-wise, this adorable striped bathing suit arrived the day I left for Toronto so I wasn't able to try it on until I got back and sadly it's too small!  So I am exchanging it for a larger size.  And I bought these (in black) in Toronto.  They are super cute - absolutely no support but filled a gap in my closet.  Other than that, not much!  I'm already over budget this month with my H&M purchases, the above program and bathing suit, getting my hair done, and buying tickets to The National in December.

As always, thank you for reading!!

See the blogs I link-up with here!


  1. All of your outfits are so cute!! Glad your trip went well and you're back. The six week program sounds great, can't wait to see how it goes for you!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  2. I am glad you had a great trip, pretty lady. Such a stylish return too. Such awesome looks. I love navy and deep blues on you. =)

    Welcome by and share your pretty style in my latest linkup which went live today. Thank you!

    Happy weekend! Ada =)


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