I am such a procrastinator when it comes to writing! I've had this blog entry open for an hour - opening new tabs to "get inspiration" on what to write and finally realizing that I am just putting it off. It's not just the blog - any writing that needs to be done (essays for work, past school assignments/projects/essays) - are all thoroughly put off until the last minute. I don't mind doing the research or prep work (in this case, photo editing & link building) but when I feel I should really say something, I clam up.
(Left: Top by Banana Republic Factory, Blazer by H&M (old, similar), Pants by Old Navy, Shoes by Forever 21, Necklace by Tiffany & Co. // Right: Top by H&M (old, similar), Pants by Old Navy, Shoes by Vince Camuto (outlet), Necklace by H&M (old, similar))
I bring this up because I find it very interesting that some personal style bloggers (and other types of bloggers, too) consider themselves writers, or at least part of the reason they started to blog (and continue to) is because they like to write. But then there are other bloggers who often write very little. It's hard for me to know what to write about on the blog when I don't have much to say. I think part of it stems from not knowing what it is that anyone who visits my blog likes to read about here.
For me, the blog is not a writing outlet. It's a place where I can keep an account of my daily outfits and hopefully provide outfit inspiration for others. What I wear is not always exciting, or new, or trendy - but I feel like so many real women don't dress that way, either! So what I show is the real me, and I hope that anyone who comes across my little blog can take something positive away from it.
If you have any thoughts on this post, please leave me a note in the comments!
(Linking up with Because Shanna Said So, Style Elixir and Mix & Match Fashion!)
xo jules
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