
Spring Brights


I am so happy it's finally Spring!

   (Sweater by Joe Fresh, Scarf and Pants by Old Navy, Shoes by H&M) 

I know, I know, I'm a week late on the whole "it's officially Spring" thing, but that doesn't mean I can't still be grateful, does it?

(Pants, Blazer and Sweater by H&M, Tank by Jacob, Shoes & Necklace by Aldo) 

I am not one of those people that puts away their summer clothes in the winter and vice versa.  Ain't nobody got time for that! Just kidding. Love that!  Anyways, I just don't have the space to store extra clothing, and the winters in Vancouver are pretty mild so I can get away with wearing a lot of 'out of season' clothing year round, with the right adjustments.

Do you store your off-season clothes?  Does it feel like you've gone shopping when you get to unpack it all again?

xo jules

Here's what I wore on this day last year:

1 comment:

  1. Love the stripes and polka dots on your first outfit.
    I have been on the search for a long necklace like the one you are wearing on your second post.


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